How will you position yourself and tell them about the transformation you offer in a consistent voice?

So now we have an idea of our learner and what kind of value we aim to deliver to their lives. But amongst the thousands of other voices and products that your learner has to consider how will you position yourself? Are you more like the Rolex of entrepreneurship courses or the Disney of home cooking tutorials? The world's best violinist can play at a concert hall and earn $10,000 per hour. Or busk on the subway and make $20 in a day. Don't open a snorkel shop in the Alps. Let's work on that positioning.


◉ Exercise: Market Research

You've done an initial brainstorm of other influencers, companies and news sources that your audience get their information from. Now do a deeper analysis of the top 5-10 closest direct or indirect competitors. This could be channels, creators or companies that:

Add them to the database below and complete the applicable information for each competitor. If you need to create an account store ?!?!?!!?!?!? that in the first 3 columns. For researching funding rounds use, for seeing monthly traffic use If you're researching influencers you can use Easy blogger or Influencer DB to get their stats.

Copy of Competitive Analysis

What is a brand archetype? In marketing, a brand archetype is a genre you assign to your brand, based upon symbolism. Can you guess which archetype Edu-Creator OS is? Pick 1 brand archetype from this brand archetype wheel for your company or channel.

Now position them on this simple matrix to get an overview of your market. I recommend downloading this image and adding the different company's name & logo. Consider using Miro.