<aside> 👋 Here’s a mini guide on how to approach your #100DaysOfAI journey. Let me know if you have any Q’s!


Whilst this challenge isn’t designed to tell you what to learn, it will help you start learning. And starting is the most important thing!

But you're probably thinking, "what should I learn though"? Good point.

Ultimately, it's up to you. The world of AI is so broad and developing so quickly, that you could choose to learn a million different things.

That's not very helpful though, right? So let me share how I'm approaching my 100 day learning journey into AI and hopefully this gives you some inspiration too 😊

Here’s my 5 step recipe…

1️⃣ What’s your why

This is the first question I asked myself. If you have no why, there's no driver to learn.

Writing this down gave me more clarity on where I wanted to channel my learning. For example, here are some high level outcomes that interest me most:

<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/f48bb8f7-6248-4016-9c5b-2f7b8208d54a/c8e81815-97de-4514-86de-492c402e2d11/CASLogo512.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/f48bb8f7-6248-4016-9c5b-2f7b8208d54a/c8e81815-97de-4514-86de-492c402e2d11/CASLogo512.png" width="40px" /> Task: write down a list of things that pique your interest in AI - they’ll probably be different to mine! To get some inspiration, take a look through the articles/posts/threads you’ve been saving (or skim reading). Some patterns in what you’re most interested in might emerge. For example, Cath is interested in exploring art and AI. Try to note down 3-5 high level interests.


2️⃣ Based on your why, what specific topics, questions or skills interest you most?

From knowing your why, you can start to get a little more specific. For each big why, these were some of the questions and projects/tools that interested me most...