Once you’ve created an account and logged in at , you’ll see an “Add New Experience” button where you’ll be walked through the process for creating a course:


You’ll start with a cover photo, title, and some Zoom info.

Then you can categorize and describe your course. If you don’t have specific dates and times in mind yet, the top of the description is a great place to tell interested students to get in touch with you using the instructor in-app messaging.

On the “Schedule” tab you can select One-Time or Series. You can put your dates and times in as a series ahead of time, or leave this blank for now so that students can express interest and schedule with you. For pricing, we recommend aiming for $15-20/session as a student cost.

On the final tab, you’ll describe the age range of learner your course is appropriate for and the number of students that you need to run the course and that you think you could accomodate.

Once you have created a class, you can revisit and edit it under the My Learning Experiences tab. By clicking “Manage” for a particular class, you’ll also be able to find a URL that you can promote and share so that students can navigate directly to the signup page for your offering.