<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" width="40px" /> This is a living handbook of frameworks, heuristics and methods for redesign the education system for new systemic goals that are fit for the 21st century.

The methods outlined can inform further emergent continual goal evaluation, setting and redesigns for designers in the 22nd 23rd or any century.

It’s a compression of the 9 years of research I’ve conducted to answer three simple questions,

What is a human? What promotes it’s flourishing? and how do I raise my children?

My hope is readers will form independent research, debate, builder and study groups around the materials here and share insights within the ed3 discord.


Contributors from the [Insert Impact x Innovation Network Name Here]

There are 3 sections to this handbook.

  1. Intro, conventions and pep talk
  2. Concerns and connected theoretical considerations
  3. Practical stuff to do today and tomorrow

Happy redesigning.


The goals of education are changing. When thinking about changing the education system, as Matt Bateman noted in his great ‘History of Education’ course..

You can tweek it. Maybe less lyre and more piano, less mastery and more interest based or The other thing you can do is try and achieve escape velocity.

If you’re into attempting the other.