<aside> <img src="https://img.icons8.com/ios/250/000000/info.png" alt="https://img.icons8.com/ios/250/000000/info.png" width="40px" /> Whether you're starting your journey as an independent digital teacher or you're already an experienced consultant, your tech stack is the backbone of your business. This guide breaks down the major business activities you'll be involved in and offers suggestions for what tools can support you.

How do I use it: Scroll down the page. Explore and experiment with different tools by visiting their websites. Select the 'Active' checkboxes if you're going to use that tool in your stack. Unsure of what to use? Check out some profiles on YourStack to see what others are using.

****Save new tools you find to the 'Edu-Creator OS Toolkit' Database using the Notion web clipper configure the master database by scrolling to the bottom and opening the toggle.


Tech Stack

To escape being only able to deliver 1-1 service via zoom you're going to need a band of robots to help you do the heavy lifting. This framework will help you contextualize where what tools fit where.

Broadly your business activities are going to be broken up into 4 main areas.

Content creation (craft your message)

Demand generation (distribute your message)

Demand capture (get paid)

Client service (fulfill product)


Exercise: Choose Your Character

Content Creation: How will you create content?

<aside> <img src="https://img.icons8.com/ios/250/000000/info.png" alt="https://img.icons8.com/ios/250/000000/info.png" width="40px" /> If you're not confident speaking in front of a camera don't worry. Great channels like Three Blue One Brown have built audiences using only animations and presentations. I also recommend Pat's Course on Udemy for those who are camera shy and want to create content without showing your face. If you're getting started with video creation and don't know what gear to get, check out this starter kit


Edu-Creator OS Toolkit

Demand Generation: How will you tell your audience about your content and services?

<aside> <img src="https://img.icons8.com/ios/250/000000/info.png" alt="https://img.icons8.com/ios/250/000000/info.png" width="40px" /> Wow look at that, It's already filled in! Kind of... Reflect again and ask yourself, where does the customer persona that I defined in my channel strategy hang out online? Where are my people? What nooks and crannies of the wild-wild interwebz do they dwell?



Untitled Database

Email Managment System / Newsletters

Edu-Creator OS Toolkit

Demand Capture: How will you take payments, let your audience support you and sell products?

<aside> <img src="https://img.icons8.com/ios/250/000000/info.png" alt="https://img.icons8.com/ios/250/000000/info.png" width="40px" /> If you consistently deliver the transformation for your audience or make them laugh a little they will likely want to send you money. Yes, real digital wonga to your bank account! As per the Content Strategy Guide, you're going to want to direct them back to your website. Try out and select one website builder. In the early days, it's important not to focus too much on how you'll monetise your stuff. At a minimum leave a link to your Buy Me A Coffee page. Be sure to experiment lots. As long as you have your basic digital infrastructure in place and are building an email list, you can always find a creative way to charge people later. For the experts reading this, just check the boxes of the tools you're already using.


Edu-Creator OS Toolkit