Module 1.1 - Channel Strategy - Introduction

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> The goal of this course is to support you in developing your channel strategy.

****1) Who are your target customers and learners? What are their problems/pains and goals? 2) What kinds of value do you offer to those customers? (delivering value) 3) How will you position yourself and tell them about the transformation you offer? (generating demand) 4) How does that offer generate value for the company? (capturing value)


Module 1.2 - Customer Journey Overview

Pretext: Digital Business - Customer Journey Overview

Module 1.3 - Audience - Customer Personas (Task)


Module 1.4 - Audience - Problem And Hypothesis Statements (YOU DO THIS LATER IN TRANSFORMATIONAL PILLARS/BRAND VOICE) (Task)

Problem and Hypothesis Statements

Module 1.5 - Find Your People (Task)

Find Your People

Module 1.6 - Delivering Value (Task)

Value Creation

Module 1.7 - Generating Demand

Generating Demand

Module 1.8 - Brand Voice

Brand Voice